Implied Warranty Of Habitability
A legal doctrine imposing on the landlord a duty to make the leased premises acceptable to live in and ready for occupancy and to continue to maintain them in a state of repair throughout the entire term of the lease.
Impound Account
A trust account established to set aside funds for future needs.
Improved Land
Real property whose value has been enhanced by the addition of on-site and off-site improvements such as roads, sewers, utilities, buildings, etc.; as distinguished from raw land.
Valuable additions made to property, amounting to more than repairs, costing labor and capital and intended to enhance the value of the property. Improvements of land would include grading, sidewalks, sewers, streets, utilities, etc. Improvements on land would include buildings, fences, and the like.
Imputed Interest
Interest implied by the federal tax law.
Income Approach
An approach to the valuation or appraisal of real property as determined by the amount of net income the property will produce over its remaining economic life.
Income Property
Property purchased primarily for the income to be derived plus certain tax benefits, such as accelerated depreciation. Income property can be commercial, industrial or residential.
Incorporeal Rights
Intangible or non-possessor rights in real property such as easements, licenses, profits and the like.
Independent Contractor
One who is retained to perform a certain act, but who is subject to the control and direction of another only as to the end result and not as how he performs the act. The critical feature, and what distinguishes an independent contractor and an employee or agent, is the right to control.
Industrial Park
An area zoned industrial and containing sites for many separate industries and developed and managed as a unit, usually with provisions for common services for the users.
A legal action which forbids a party defendant from doing some act; it requires a person to whom it is directed to refrain from doing a particular thing.
Innocent Purchaser For Value
One who purchases real property without notice, actual or constructive, of any superior rights or interests in the real property.
A visit to and review of the premises. A prudent purchaser of property always inspects the premises before closing.